How to find us in Vienna

Our office is located on the Wiedner Hauptstraße between the TU (Technical University) and the Chamber of Commerce. Striking is a bank branch in our corner house to Mayerhofgasse. In front of our building there is a small square with a fountain and a coffee house. Our office is located on the ground floor of Stiege 2.
Please drive through the courtyard. You can also park your car here. The Wiedner Hauptstraße (from 8:00 to 18:00/ 1,5 h) itself and the surrounding area (from 9:00 to 20:00/ 2 h) are in a short term parking zone!
By car
From the south: Via the S2 always straight ahead you reach the Wiedner Gürtel. After Matzleinsdorfer, take a sharp right turn onto Wiedner Hauptstraße heading into the city.
From the west: Via the A1/ Westautobahn you reach Schönbrunnerstraße via Linke Wienzeile and drive in the direction of the city centre until you reach Pilgramgasse. Turn right into Pilgramgasse (now follow the course of bus 13A). At Matzleinsdorfer Platz turn left into Magaretenstraße and two streets further on turn right into Ziegelofengasse, left into Leibenfrostgasse, right into Lambrechtgasse and further on into Johann-Strauß-Gasse. You will reach Wiedner Hauptstraße above the Chamber of Commerce and turn left into the city.
By public transport
Tram 62, 65 and Badner Bahn: In front of our door is the stop Wien Mayerhofstraße of the trams 62 and 65 as well as the Badner Bahn, these leave from the central Vienna Karlsplatz (U1, U2, U4). Our house is located a few steps out of town on the left side.
Underground U1: If you take the U1, get off at the station Taubstummengasse and take the exit Mayerhofgasse. Continue along this street until you reach Wiedner Hauptstraße. At the left corner is our entrance. By bus 13 you get off at the station "Johann Strauß-Gasse/ Wiedner Hauptstraße/ Wirtschaftskammer Wien" and walk a few minutes into the city, slightly downhill. Our house is on the right side.