All Outplacement Tools
Positioning and self-marketing
In the application process, you must learn to see yourself as a product and to market yourself professionally. The starting point for marketing is your good, well-considered positioning. Positioning is communicated through sales documents, i.e. in your case above all through an excellent CV. As a salesperson in your own right, you should also be equipped with good sales training and good sales arguments.
- Why exactly should they invite you to the interview?
- Why exactly should they hire you?
The curriculum vitae
Almost always, the way to a job interview is through the resume.
Especially when applying for jobs, the individual CV is often given no more time than perhaps 30 seconds. Your most important arguments should therefore be graspable in this time. However, if you are interested in your profile, it should also contain more in-depth information.
Successes instead of responsibilities
Your KARENT consultant will work with you to develop a CV that not only includes professional stations and your responsibilities in these areas, but also shows what successes you have achieved for your employers. The preliminary work done in the area of career goal setting comes in handy here, as your resume should be aligned with your target position and demonstrate your personal strengths with examples of success. As a rule, we recommend the retrograde resume. Surprisingly, some resumes today still begin with the topic of elementary school - certainly a less differentiating topic.
Show a personal development
There is no such thing as the ideal layout or scope. Different careers require different ways of presentation. What is crucial is that a common thread and a personal development become recognizable. Dealing with breaks or gaps in the career requires our special attention. Even activities that overlap or parallel responsibilities are not always easy to present.
In a personal interview, you must credibly embody the "advertising promise" from your documents and literally fill the successes you present with life.
Your oral resume: the 2-minute spot.
In many situations - e.g. in the field of contact networking - you will have little time in important conversations or telephone calls to describe your objectives and important key points of your profile to your counterpart. We prepare you for this situation with the 2-minute spot, your oral CV. You can use this, for example, in telephone contact with headhunters or for queries about job advertisements. It will be even more important when building and expanding your network of contacts.
Skillfully packaging your success stories
At the beginning of the consultation, you will have discussed your profile and your target position with your KARENT consultant. The professional success stories you have worked out are not only an elementary part of your CV, but must also be filled with life by you. You must not get lost in details, but learn to get to the point quickly with each example and to arouse and hold the interest of your listener. Together we will train you to present these success stories, which you can use specifically in the job interview.
The telephone contact
For many target positions, it is a good idea to actively approach companies or recommended contact network partners during the application campaign. We prepare you for telephone communication with unknown third parties in the private as well as in the corporate sector.