Separation management

Implement volunteer programs successfully

Often, a large number of employees need to be made redundant promptly and simultaneously. If there is no time for a classic redundancy measure with social plan and reconciliation of interests, or if a grandfathering BV exists, we help companies to plan and implement a voluntary programme.

In addition to a socially balanced and attractive offer structure, experienced and skilled negotiators as well as a binding procedure and a clear project organisation are decisive for the success of a voluntary programme.

We advise on the process, the internal organisation and the offer structure and conduct the separation and negotiation talks with the employees concerned. This typically requires 2-5 rounds of talks with each employee until the termination agreements are concluded.

Our extensive experience and consultant density has already enabled us in reference projects to advise several hundred employees nationwide within only 6 weeks and to successfully persuade over 75% to leave. If desired, we can work with our partner EY to supplement the advice with legally binding aspects relating to tax, employment and pension law. This can significantly increase the acceptance of termination offers, especially among long-serving employees. It is often advisable to supplement the advice given to individual employees with advice on prospects, including outplacement advice.

In the area of separation management, we also benefit from our experience in our transfer companies, because there, too, it is regularly necessary to persuade as many employees as possible to transfer, whereby we achieve transfer rates of between 90-100%.


Conduct termination interviews correctly

The human and fair conduct of the termination interview has a considerable influence on the further course of the separation process.

Termination interviews are a considerable burden for both parties involved in the interview. Not only the dismissed person falls into a deep hole, but also the manager who has to conduct these talks is often under considerable inner pressure.

Our training helps the manager to prepare correctly and to conduct the interview with the necessary empathy. Typical mistakes are, for example, negative feedback or long-winded explanations of the situation, which unnecessarily weaken the self-confidence of the dismissed person or give him a feeling of complete lack of perspective.

In a one-day seminar, we prepare executives and HR managers for conducting termination interviews. You will learn how to prepare for the interview, how to recognize types of dismissed and dismissing employees and how to deal with the reactions of the dismissed employee. In case studies concrete situations are played through and critical situations are discussed.

Only a fair, well-prepared separation interview lays the foundation for a successful outplacement and should be part of every human corporate culture.